sfhotspot - Hot-Spot Analysis with Simple Features
Identify and understand clusters of points (typically representing the locations of places or events) stored in simple-features (SF) objects. This is useful for analysing, for example, hot-spots of crime events. The package emphasises producing results from point SF data in a single step using reasonable default values for all other arguments, to aid rapid data analysis by users who are starting out. Functions available include kernel density estimation (for details, see Yip (2020) <doi:10.22224/gistbok/2020.1.12>), analysis of spatial association (Getis and Ord (1992) <doi:10.1111/j.1538-4632.1992.tb00261.x>) and hot-spot classification (Chainey (2020) ISBN:158948584X).
Last updated 18 days ago
5.56 score 12 stars 30 scripts 628 downloadscrimedata - Access Crime Data from the Open Crime Database
Gives convenient access to publicly available police-recorded open crime data from large cities in the United States that are included in the Crime Open Database <https://osf.io/zyaqn/>.
Last updated 1 years ago
5.51 score 26 stars 25 scripts 340 downloads